
Term 3 - Week 9

We have had some lovely weather this week, it is beginning to feel like Spring really has arrived. The children have had a great time playing outside and are especially enjoying the sandpit. This week Room 16 has been working with Room 15 on our pallet art. The pallet will be hung in the Harakeke Garden at some stage next week for everyone to enjoy but here is a sneak preview. Can you guess what it is?

 We have been learning lots of new games as part of our maths programme. Here are Sam and Stirling playing a game called Roll, Add and Colour. The children take turns rolling two dice and adding up the number of dots. Then they get to colour in a picture with the answer in it. The winner is the person who has the most pictures coloured at the end of the game.
We have also been using the bears to make patterns. Here is Malachi with his amazing pattern of red, yellow, yellow. Super work!
Cohen, Anna and Sid have all filled another Star Chart - what an amazing attitude to learning you have. Unfortunately I don't have a photo of Sid with his chart but here are Cohen and Anna.

Don't forget we have sharing time every Wednesday in Room 16. We are working hard on becoming active listeners and asking a wide range of questions. Here are some photos from sharing time this week. There were certainly a lot of interesting things brought along.

Siuila brought these flags as she is supporting NZ in the Rugby World Cup

Sid brought his game Twister. It is lots of fun but very tricky.
Our stars of the week this week were Skyla and Alena. Alena received her award for being a great friend. She is always comforting children who are hurt or upset, well done Alena. Skyla got her certificate for amazing reading. She is working hard to learn all her red words and is making amazing progress. Ka pai!

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