
Term 2 - Week 2

Well, what a busy week we have had here in Room 16. We were lucky enough to have Constable John come and talk to us about how to keep ourselves safe. We learnt that we should never go with strangers, no matter what they tell us - parents, this may need some reinforcing.

Here we are with Room 8 listening very carefully to what Constable John had to say.

We also welcomed Alena to Room 16. It is great to have you with us Alena and we are looking forward to even more children joining our class next week.

On Wednesday lots of children brought something to share for news. We had a great time listening to what they could tell us about their special item. Here is Cohen with Monkey and Softy. He said they are great to snuggle up to in bed and he has even written a book about them. Ka pai Cohen!

Malachi brought a pencil with a lion rubber on the top to show everyone. He told us that it was just new and he hadn't even used it yet.

Monique told us all about her purple bird. She said that she sleeps with her bird every night and it wakes her up in the morning by chirping.

Our letter of the week was 'P' so we made sparkly crowns and turned ourselves into princes and princesses. We have also been learning the sounds p, n and c.

When our new children came for their visit we went on an Autumn walk. We found heaps of leaves and acorns which we used to make leaf prints and hedgehogs. Come into the class and have a look, they are amazing!

 Finally, our Star of the Week was Malachi. Malachi has been trying really hard with his writing and I am very proud of him. Here is Malachi with his certificate:

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


  1. Awesome work room 16! Great to read about your week :) from Alena's Mum

  2. Siuila has missed you all and is looking forward to monday :)
